Tuesday, December 25, 2007

First rude encounter on KGS.

Well today I was playing a 13x13, unranked game against an unranked player named Naz98. It was an unranked game, so if we make a mistake that is not an obvious mouse-slip, let's just learn from the mistake and move on, right? I suppose not for some players.

The game was about even the whole way through, with White (myself) being slightly behind. Black made a mistake by placing a stone on one side of the board in an obviously deliberate attempt to invade an area when he should have been defending on the other side of the board. As soon as I replied with my play, and the mistake was realized, I began getting "undo" requests. I denied them three or four times. I thought it was pretty rude to keep sending them after the first and second denials. After the fourth or so, I got the message that NAZ98 had left the board, and I could either wait for him or her to return, or I could go start a new game.

I thought it was quite a bummer, as I was pretty satisfied at the prospect of making a comeback. I've learned that these people are called "escapers" on the KGS server. Hopefully, I won't run into many more of these; however, the internet being what it is, I'm sure I will.

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