Friday, January 4, 2008

Great teaching game, and Holly's progression.

Yesterday, I played a 4-stone handicap game against a new friend TheBeast[10k] on KGS. He just happened to get a game I submitted to The Go Teaching Ladder, and reviewed it. We both sort of knew of each other from Go Discussions, and so we met up on KGS to play a few days ago. He's a good teacher, and yesterday's game was very fun, even more so due to the fact that I won! Granted, it was Shido-Go, but it was great fun, and I had no expectation of coming closet to winning. It was a real confidence booster, and if TheBeast let me win, it was a great idea because it has greatly boosted my confidence. He even commented that when he reviewed my game from just last week, he thought it was very bad (he capitalized all the letters in "bad"), but that now he was shocked at how much progress I made. TheBeast said he felt I would be SDK (single-digit kyu) soon. I don't know about that, but it's a nice thought. The game is here. Just click the SGF button next to the TheBeast game. There is a great fight on the right hand side that had us both sweating. We both thought it was a great fight.

In addition, Holly and I are continuing to play. While I have reached 15k, she has kept up with me by still being able to beat me half the time with seven handicap stones. That means, I believe, that she is about 22-24 Kyu. Yay Holly!


William Gee-Won Kim said...

I recommend that you request to have your blog added to Planet Go (

You Haven't Heard of Him said...

Thank you! I will.